Jonathan Williams

Proudly Endorsed By:

Senator Patrick Leahy

Jonathan Williams is a dedicated and hard worker. His efforts at the Vermont Foodbank and in local government tell a story of someone who puts everything into helping our neighbors.

Retired Senator Patrick Leahy

Congressman Peter Welch

Jonathan has worked to better Vermont and its communities throughout his life. He represents the best of Barre, and his platform is one that will ensure everyone is cared for and respected. I enthusiastically endorse Jonathan for the Vermont House of Representatives.

Senator Peter Welch

Rep. Tommy Walz

I want the representative who replaces me to demonstrate a real concern for the health and welfare of Vermonters, a love for democracy and justice, and a commitment to Barre City. Jonathan Williams possesses all those traits.

He’s tuned in to Vermont’s issues and needs. His community service and his experience working with non-profits and various Vermont communities has given him insight that matches well with the job description of a state representative. He is exactly the sort of engaged young person we want living and working in our community.

Without reservation I support Jonathan Williams’ candidacy to represent Barre City in the Vermont House of Representatives.

Tommy Walz, former Representative for Barre City

Peter Anthony

As a legislator, I truly believe Jonathan Williams is well suited to serving in the House. He has the skills and background needed for the challenging work of listening to constituents, and drafting legislation. He knows Barre's needs and where we're headed. I wholeheartedly endorse Jonathan Williams to represent Barre City in the Vermont House of Representatives.

Rep. Peter Anthony, Washington-3

Tess Taylor

I am supporting Jonathan Williams as our next Representative for Barre City. Jonathan has experience in municipal and community planning, understands program funding, and has been a solid community volunteer in Barre. I am particularly interested in the fact that Jonathan is focusing on the key role that Barre City plays in Central Vermont and in the state. We are the hub for many organizations that serve well beyond our city borders. Jonathan understands that our positioning with organizations like Capstone, Downstreet, the Good Samaritan Haven, our History Center, etc. could and should be a catalyst for leveraging resources for Barre. He's the person to do that!

I believe that he will be the voice for Barre that we need in the State House. Jonathan understands what is important for Barre - economic security, safety, improving infrastructure, and making housing available at every level. With his experience as a public administrator and a proven grant-writer - securing millions for the Foodbank - Jonathan is the best person to navigate the incredible amount of federal funding coming to Vermont, and how to make sure Barre is well-positioned to receive economic opportunities that will come our way.

Jonathan is listening to the people in Barre, and learning from us. I am so excited about his fresh outlook and willingness to work hard for our city. Please join me in supporting Jonathan Williams as our next Representative for Barre City!

Tess Taylor, former Representative for Barre City

Senator Kesha Ram Hindsdale
Jonathan's work for the Vermont Foodbank and his time spent in local government speak to his passion and love for our state and to our shared values of leaving no Vermonter behind. I am proud to endorse him and look forward to working with him on housing, hunger, and other issues affecting working people to the benefit of Barre City and all of Vermont.

State Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale

Jonathan's work at the Food Bank and for local governments is a clear demonstration that he cares about people and understands how government works. This is a great combination to have in a legislator. Barre has a wonderful opportunity in Jonathan Williams to elect a solutions-oriented dedicated public servant to the legislature!

State Senator Anne Watson

Other Endorsements Include:

  • Vermont State Treasurer Beth Pearce
  • Barre City Councilors Samn Stockwell, Teddy Waszazak, and Emel Cambel
  • VPIRG Votes
  • Vermont-NEA Union of Vermont Educators
  • Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund
  • Vermont State Employees’ Association
  • Let’s Grow Kids Action Network
  • Vermont Conservation Voters
  • Gun Sense Vermont

Support Jonathan